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Greater Tampa Bay: March Presentation: Building an Antifragile Team

  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Go To Webinar

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations face increasing uncertainty, volatility, and complexity levels. The traditional approach to managing teams, which is based on stability and predictability, needs to be revised. The concept of antifragility, introduced by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, provides a new perspective on how organizations can thrive in such an environment. Building an antifragile team is a powerful approach to managing teams in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Antifragile teams are better equipped to handle change, uncertainty, and volatility and are more likely to generate positive outcomes. Building an antifragile team requires a deliberate and systematic approach, but the benefits are well worth the effort.


Todd DeVoe Titan HST's Director, Emergency Management, is an emergency management educator and the host of The Todd DeVoe Show, Business Continuity Today, and Prepare, Respond, Recover podcasts. Todd is the Editor in Chief of The Emergency Management Network newsletter and a contributing author of the book Campus Crisis Management, a Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners, and many white papers and studies. Todd is a lifelong learner, holds a Master's of Public Administration and a Master's of Emergency Management, and is a graduate of the National Emergency Management Executive Academy’s Cohort VII. He continues to research and write about important emergency management issues, crisis leadership, business continuity, and community resilience. Todd is the President of the International Association of Emergency Managers Region 9 and is very active in shaping public policy for emergency management.


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